
News and Events Archive - Cogit - BI, budżetowanie, konsolidacja finansowa
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43. Światowy Kongres Dyrektorów Finansowych IAFEI
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43. Światowy Kongres Dyrektorów Finansowych IAFEI
W dniach 16-17 października 2013 roku odbył się w Warszawie 43. Światowy Kongres Dyrektorów Finansowych IAFEI (43. IAFEI World Congress). Zapraszamy na relację. W dniach 16-17 października 2013 roku odbył się w Warszawie 43. Światowy Kongres Dyrektorów Finansowych IAFEI (43. IAFEI World Congress). Był on największym tego typu wydarzeniem organizowanym dla Dyrektorów Finansowych w Polsce. […]
How to profit from data – OBIEE is your weapon
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How to profit from data – OBIEE is your weapon
Oracle BIEE collectd and transforms data into information & knowledge; while connecting together BI, business processes, collaborative applications, and their underlying data stores.
How can Enterprise Performance Management Vendors help my organisation?
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How can Enterprise Performance Management Vendors help my organisation?
When choosing your vendor there are certain factors to take into consideration.
Using Microsoft Dynamics AX and CRM Together to Drive Revenue Growth
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Using Microsoft Dynamics AX and CRM Together to Drive Revenue Growth
Combining both Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Dynamics AX, an organisation can avail of increased business intelligence, improved productivity, analysis and aligned customer services processes. Contact Codec-dss today for more information.
A look into the BI Semantic Model of SQL Server 2012
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A look into the BI Semantic Model of SQL Server 2012
A semantic layer is a business translation layer which sits between the database and the end user; providing the ability to interact with data using familiar business terminology instead of having to understand where the data resides and what business rules to apply to said data. The BI Semantic Model serves all of the end-user […]
Powerful New Features in Dynamics AX 2012
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Powerful New Features in Dynamics AX 2012
With new features and enhancements across core ERP and industry capabilities, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 will help provide business value faster, enable agility and insight in your organisation, and helps drive faster adoption, broader usage and easier maintenance through a continued emphasis on simplicity.
How to Choose a Business Intelligence Firm you can Trust
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How to Choose a Business Intelligence Firm you can Trust
Finding the right BI firm who will provide you with the exact software, advice and help you need is another problem in itself. Contact Codec-dss Today!
The Fundamental Benefits of Business Intelligence
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The Fundamental Benefits of Business Intelligence
The benefits of installing BI solutions into your existing IT systems are numerous; not just based on financial profits but often culminating in it.
Using Essbase in Large Scale Data Warehousing
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Using Essbase in Large Scale Data Warehousing
While well-suited to managing transactions and storing large amounts of data, relational databases are typically unable to handle ad hoc, speed-of-thought analytical querying for large scale usage. Online analytical processing (OLAP) technology provides the scalability, performance, read/write and analytic capabilities necessary to support these tasks; thus; a combination of a two tiered model (hub-and-spoke); made […]
Operational Excellence: How to align CRM with your business strategy
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Operational Excellence: How to align CRM with your business strategy
Choose the most beneficial CRM strategy and the correct course for implementation and success.
Year End Processes in Hyperion Essbase
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Year End Processes in Hyperion Essbase
The What and How of Year End Processes in Hyperion Essbase
How to Achieve Higher efficiency with Business Intelligence
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How to Achieve Higher efficiency with Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence tools help to improve all aspects of a company from the productivity of staff to the quality of product and the analysis of data; all of which accumulates in overall higher efficiency.

28 sierpnia 2013

43. Światowy Kongres Dyrektorów Finansowych IAFEI

W dniach 16-17 października 2013 roku odbył się w Warszawie 43. Światowy Kongres Dyrektorów Finansowych IAFEI (43. IAFEI World Congress). Zapraszamy na relację. W dniach 16-17 października 2013 roku odbył się w Warszawie 43. Światowy Kongres Dyrektorów Finansowych IAFEI (43. IAFEI World Congress). Był on największym tego typu wydarzeniem organizowanym dla Dyrektorów Finansowych w Polsce. […]

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21 sierpnia 2013

How to profit from data – OBIEE is your weapon

Oracle BIEE collectd and transforms data into information & knowledge; while connecting together BI, business processes, collaborative applications, and their underlying data stores.

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21 sierpnia 2013

How can Enterprise Performance Management Vendors help my organisation?

When choosing your vendor there are certain factors to take into consideration.

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20 sierpnia 2013

Using Microsoft Dynamics AX and CRM Together to Drive Revenue Growth

Combining both Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Dynamics AX, an organisation can avail of increased business intelligence, improved productivity, analysis and aligned customer services processes. Contact Codec-dss today for more information.

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BI Semantic Model

20 sierpnia 2013

A look into the BI Semantic Model of SQL Server 2012

A semantic layer is a business translation layer which sits between the database and the end user; providing the ability to interact with data using familiar business terminology instead of having to understand where the data resides and what business rules to apply to said data. The BI Semantic Model serves all of the end-user […]

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19 sierpnia 2013

Powerful New Features in Dynamics AX 2012

With new features and enhancements across core ERP and industry capabilities, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 will help provide business value faster, enable agility and insight in your organisation, and helps drive faster adoption, broader usage and easier maintenance through a continued emphasis on simplicity.

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18 sierpnia 2013

How to Choose a Business Intelligence Firm you can Trust

Finding the right BI firm who will provide you with the exact software, advice and help you need is another problem in itself. Contact Codec-dss Today!

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14 sierpnia 2013

The Fundamental Benefits of Business Intelligence

The benefits of installing BI solutions into your existing IT systems are numerous; not just based on financial profits but often culminating in it.

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4 sierpnia 2013

Using Essbase in Large Scale Data Warehousing

While well-suited to managing transactions and storing large amounts of data, relational databases are typically unable to handle ad hoc, speed-of-thought analytical querying for large scale usage. Online analytical processing (OLAP) technology provides the scalability, performance, read/write and analytic capabilities necessary to support these tasks; thus; a combination of a two tiered model (hub-and-spoke); made […]

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31 lipca 2013

Operational Excellence: How to align CRM with your business strategy

Choose the most beneficial CRM strategy and the correct course for implementation and success.

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22 lipca 2013

Year End Processes in Hyperion Essbase

The What and How of Year End Processes in Hyperion Essbase

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2 lipca 2013

How to Achieve Higher efficiency with Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence tools help to improve all aspects of a company from the productivity of staff to the quality of product and the analysis of data; all of which accumulates in overall higher efficiency.

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